Join Alice for this ‘WILD FIBRES’ x3 day workshop.
Over the 3 days you’ll be introduced to gathering and processing a range of plant-based fibres that grow wild, including nettle and bramble. We will gather the relevant plants from the land on site and learn the different ways to extract and process fibre that could then be used for cordage making, soft basketry and weaving.
You will produce a selection of fibre and cordage samples and learn about times to gather, process and store your wild fibres. You will be introduced to looping and weaving techniques using your cordage. The focus of the workshop is on gathering and processing fibre and aims to open our eyes to the usable fibres that are commonly available to us.

Alice works with natural fibres and gathered materials, employing natural dyes, stitch, weave and soft basketry techniques. These elements come together in different combinations to create grouped surfaces and structures. Found items form the focus of her response to a landscape, forming tangible links to the places they were gathered from. She takes an experimental approach to these found objects: by engaging with the materials that she finds, manipulating them and experimenting, learning about their properties, boundaries and possibilities. Her allotment plot forms the focus of my work, providing an abundant source of materials.